Last Updated: 03-Jan-2020
Sierra Club

North Rim of the Grand Canyon 2020 Sierra Club Service Trip

Notice: This is a *private* site, solely for people signed up for the above trip. Please do not publish this URL to others not on this trip. Thanks.

This page and attached documents are for YOUR use. This is the tenth year I have set up a specific page for each of my service trips. It has worked out well in the past and allows a single point on the web to find out everything about this trip.

My suggestion for using this site:

1. Check out the trip roster

2. Then the other trip documents, specifically the trip letters
    (they should answer a lot of questions),

3. Then finally (when you get some time to surf),
    check out the archaeology issues,
    the trip links to other sites, and
    my totaly random but relevant reading list.

Current Trip News

OK 12 December 2019 - So far no new news, and no news is good news. I'll keep you posted.

Please send any page suggestions to me help improve the site for everybody.

North Rim

Current Trip Roster

This is a current list of trip participants (signed up for this trip) and their disclosed travel plans. This is the best place to determine who you can travel with. Please feel free to contact others on this list but do be gentle with the phone numbers and e-mail addresses.
* The Current Trip Roster

Other Trip Documents

These are additional trip documents, which do get updated as necessary.
* A Full Trip Description (Brochure) - from the Sierra Club Outings site.
* The KP assignments - the tentative Kitchen Patrol Assignments (everybody gets to help feed us!).

*Coming Soon . . . The First Trip Letter!

* Suggested Equipment List - My own list of suggested equipment I use on these trips.
* The Universal Packing List.
* My past Club service trip pictures.


Trip Location News and Issues

Grand Canyon News

* Happy 100th Birthday, National Parks! Sorry You're Falling Apart
* The Grand Canyon's North Rim Just Re-Opened For The Season
* Clean Air for the Grand Canyon
* Protecting the Grand Canyon Against Uranium Mining
* The Grandest Canyon Of All: What Are We Fighting For?
* Keep the Canyon Grand!
* Who lived below the Rim
* The Grand Canyon Polychrome Pictographs

Arizona and SouthWest Archaeology

* What is Archaeology?
* The Paleo-Indians
* Native Americans in Utah
* Sleuthing for Rock Art in New Mexico
* Early People of The SouthWest
* Ancient Weapon Causes Controversy in Pennsylvania
* More Turn to Hobby of Forming Flint Points
* Park Looting
* 'Soul of Nowhere' Adventures in the Desert
* Archaeology in Mesa Verde National Park
* Paleo-Indians in New England
* Anasazi Hohokam Mogollon Indians of the Southwest
* Ancient Cannibalism in the SouthWest? New York Times Web Page
* Early People of the Southwest: The great civilizations of the Anasazi, the Hohokam, and the Mogollon. Web Page
* First Humans in the Americas New York Times Web Page

National Forest & Wildfires

* Wildfires Renew Debate on Bush 'Healthy Forest' Plan
* Ecoterrorism
* ATVs Get Supreme Court Hearing

Trip Links to Other Sites

These are links you might find useful for this trip
* Sierra Club Home Page
* National Park Service Home Page
* Grand Canyon National Park Home Page
* Grand Canyon National Park Archeology
* More Grand Canyon National Park Archeology
* Information on the National Park Foundation
Trail Sign

If you find any other useful links, please e-mail them to me for inclusion on this page, thanks.

My Suggested Reading List

* Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey
* The Wild Muir: 22 of John Muir's Greatest Adventures by John Muir and Lee Stetson
* Into The Wild by Jon Krakauer
* Ishmael: An Adventure of the Mind and Spirit by Daniel Quinn
* Sierra Club: Resist Much, Obey Little: Remembering Ed Abbey by Gregory McNamee
* One Life at a Time, Please by Edward Abbey
   Much more on and about Ed can be found on Abbey's Web.
* Beyond the Hundredth Meridian: John Wesley Powell and the Second Opening of the West by Wallace Stegner
* Confessions of an Eco-Warrior by Dave Foreman
* The Deserts of the Southwest: A Sierra Club Naturalist's Guide by Lane and Peggy Larson

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Last Modified: 03-Jan-2020