SingleTree Archaeology 2001 Service Trip
This year's first ever SingleTree trip included four archaeological treks to either sites originally found in the past or locations that have never been explored. And we not only found the old sites but actually found both unknown archaeological sites and historical sites. It was heaven. The following pictures are in chronological order, covering only the last two days of the trip.
Another swath of digital camera output was later supplied by Diana and can be viewed here.
| The majority of the landscape looked liked this - very dry, rocky and with little but scrub for vegitation. This was true for most of the higher altitude areas.
We hiked in through a low canyon area that was actually marshy and cool in the morning shade. But the cool and water didn't last too long.
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| All of us were recruted as researchers. Investigation of all smaller rocks and other debris was necessary to find anything which could be hand made. |
And we finally started to find good stuff. This is a flake, left behind during tool makeing, a thousand years ago.
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| Another tool, a mano, is found at another site. This tool was used for grinding grain (usually corn) into flour. |
After a hard day of hunting we slink back to our camp. The desert was playing a very warm host, even in September.
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| The next day we moved on to virgin terratory to find new and interesting things. |
Detailed investigation of all the smaller stones and other debris was necessary to find anything which did not seem to belong.
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| The vegitation was very heavy (almost impassible) down at the creek. |
New petroglyphs were found, protected from most of the weather but fading fast.
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| A good location to search for evidence of habitation or tool building. |
It is very hard to photograph faded rock art. Can you see it?
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| More stone chips and flakes found but very little else to expose the existance of the prior inhabitants. |
Steve checks out a huge entrance to an equally huge cave. Nothing archeological was found.
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All pictures on this page were photographed by Omar The Great.
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M Kobar, All rights reserved.
Last Modified: 7-21-2003